Make This Your First NaNoWriMo Year

Whether you’re an aspiring author, already have several books under your belt, or are just wanting to step outside the whirlwind that has been 2020 and take a chance on writing something, the November writing challenge might be something you want to check out.

I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve wanted to do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for years, even started it one year … for a few days. It’s intense and condensed with the lofty goal of helping writers develop the one habit they absolutely need – getting into a consistent schedule of writing.

One of the biggest complaints I hear about this challenge is that the end product is sometimes just a jumbled mess of thoughts and ideas. It’s important to keep in mind that the desired result of this challenge isn’t to produce a refined, ready-to-print product. I challenge you to find any author that published their first draft and it was free of typos and manuscript ready.

The whole point of the project is to challenge yourself, commit yourself to writing a certain amount within a given deadline and follow through until the end. Revisions happen after the first draft is complete. And it may take several rounds of revisions to polish your piece of coal into a shining, beautiful diamond. But without that coal, there’s not even a chance for the diamond. Yes, I know it’s actually carbon but I’m making a point here! 🙂

This is the perfect year to jump into the November writing challenge and I plan to do just that. I invite you to join me – take that idea you’ve had in the back of your mind for years and put it to the proverbial paper.

Go on over to and sign up, get out your calendar and start blocking off time in November, and let’s do this together! See you on the other side.